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integrated metrology community.

The list below shows all projects coordinated within the Technical Committee for Electricity and Magnetism.

TC EM Projects

Subject Reg. No. Starting TITLE Coordinating Institute Status Collaboration Type KCDB
EM 1666 2024-04-01 Study on Traceable Verification of AC Measurement Standard CMI in progress Research
EM 1665 2024-06-01 Development of AC-DC guidance document PTB in progress Consultation
EM, TF 1589 2023-05-01 Pilot Study: Comparison of Phase Noise Measurements LNE-LTFB in progress Comparison
EM 1568 2022-03-07 Supplementary comparison - High voltage comparison of high resistance RISE in progress Comparison EURAMET.EM-S47
EM 1567 2022-03-07 Supplementary comparison - High voltage comparison of DC ratio RISE in progress Comparison EURAMET.EM-S46
EM 1562 2023-05-01 Supplementary comparison of ultra-low direct current sources PTB in progress Comparison EURAMET.EM-S45
EM 1539 2021-02-01 LegalEVcharge: Practical legal metrology framework for electric vehicle charging stations METAS in progress Research
EM 1538 2022-01-03 Supplementary comparison of magnetic field strength measurements for frequencies up to 30 MHz UME completed Comparison EURAMET.EM.RF-S46
EM 1514 2020-09-01 Comparison on material parameter measurements in the THz spectral range with optical, resonant and VNA based setups METAS completed Comparison
EM 1512 2018-09-01 Comparison on Effective Efficiency Measurement of Thermistor Mount in Coaxial Line up to 18 GHz UME in progress Comparison
EM 1501 2020-09-01 Technical assessment of novel digital impedance bridges INRIM in progress Research
EM 1500 2020-03-11 Bilateral key comparison of AC/DC transfer standard at low voltages BIM completed Comparison EURAMET.EM-K11.1
EM 1492 2020-03-01 Bilateral supplementary comparison of high voltage transformer measuring systems UME completed Comparison EURAMET.EM-S43
EM 1478 2019-09-02 Comparison Calibration of RF Current Monitoring Probe UME completed Comparison EURAMET.EM-S45
EM 1466 2019-02-01 Calibration of lock-in amplifiers INRIM completed Research
EM 1461 2018-04-01 Comparison on Voltage Reflection Coefficient (VRC) of an RF source INTA completed Comparison
EM 1451 2019-01-28 Key comparison of 50/60 Hz Electrical Power VSL in progress Comparison EURAMET.EM-K5.2018
EM 1426 2017-07-17 Comparison of S-parameter Measurements in N-type connector devices METAS completed Comparison
EM 1409 2016-11-14 Calibration strategies of a dual-stage transimpedance amplifier (ULCA) with 1 GΩ nominal overall transresistance PTB completed Research
EM 1391 2015-09-01 Traceability in lightning impulse RISE completed Comparison EURAMET.EM-S42
181 result(s)