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integrated metrology community.

EMN for Smart Specialisation in Northern Europe

In Northern Europe, the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and Designated Institutes (DIs) of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Latvia are coming together to form a new European Metrology Network dedicated to promoting smart specialisation in their region. Within the realm of metrology research, the countries have varying sizes, ambitions and strategic directions under their NMIs and DIs. Traditionally, the Nordic-Baltic metrology institutes have all prioritized certain national standards and metrology services. The establishment of a common strategy will provide improved opportunities to maintain and develop a high quality of regularly-available customer services.

The new EMN for Smart Specialisation in Northern Europe aims to strengthen the metrology infrastructure in the region through increased collaboration. By sharing national strategies to form a common strategy for Northern Europe, as well sharing facilities and exploiting research strengths of each participating institute, the network will work to improve the quality of available metrological services for the broad spectrum of the stakeholder community.

Through this new network, EURAMET hopes to promote more efficient metrology services – including R&D, calibrations, inter-comparisons and training – that can better support successful business in industry and a sustainable society for Northern Europe.

EMN Chair

Martti Heinonen, VTT, Finland