Advancing measurement uncertainty - comprehensive examples for key international standards
Short Name: EMUE, Project Number: 17NRM05Improving uncertainty measurements by developing new and improved examples
From manufacturing to medical diagnosis, organisations routinely make decisions based on measurement data. Awareness of the associated uncertainty and its impacts on quality can therefore mitigate failures, risks and increased operating costs. To help industries accurately assess uncertainties, the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM) publish the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) which provides instructions, procedures and illustrative examples. Yet, interpretation and application of the GUM’s principles remains difficult for many end-users, particularly as numerous examples in GUM are now quarter of a century old.
This project has delivered a comprehensive set of new or improved examples for uncertainty evaluation methods in accordance with the GUM, for example in cancer treatment dosimetry or illegal substance testing in sports. The project has also developed examples that can be used as adaptable template solutions for related problems. By enabling practitioners to ‘learn by example’, the project will contribute to the application of improved uncertainty evaluation, benefiting decision making in many areas of industry.
- News: Mathematical and statistical methods for metrology workshop
- News: EMPIR project workshop on the practice of measurement uncertainty evaluation
- News: New compendium of examples on measurement uncertainty available
- News: EMPIR project gives first access to algorithms used for MR-based EPT
- News: Work of an EMPIR project contributes to EMN Mathmet training and JCGM publications
Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Measurement Science and Technology
Journal of Physics: Conference Series