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Find all EURAMET Metrology Research Projects

iMERA-Plus SI and Fundamental T1.J1.1 e-Mass The watt balance route towards a new definition of the kilogram completed 2007
iMERA-Plus SI and Fundamental T1.J1.4 Boltzmann constant Determination of the Boltzmann constant for the redefinition of the kelvin completed 2007
iMERA-Plus SI and Fundamental T1.J1.2 NAH Avogadro and molar Planck constants for the redefinition of the kilogram Giovanni Mana completed 2007
iMERA-Plus SI and Fundamental T1.J1.3 REUNIAM Foundations for a redefinition of the SI base unit ampere completed 2007
iMERA-Plus SI and Fundamental T1.J2.1 OCS Optical clocks for a new definition of the second completed 2007
iMERA-Plus SI and Fundamental T1.J2.3 qu-Candela Candela: towards quantum-based photon standards Maria Luisa Rastello completed 2007
Metrology Partnership Fundamental 23FUN08 MetSuperQ Metrology for superconducting qubits Developing the metrology needed for the advent of quantum computing Mark Bieler in progress 2023
Metrology Partnership Fundamental 23FUN03 HIOC High-accuracy ion-based optical clocks Developing the next generation of atomic clocks for future primary standards of time and frequency Nils Huntemann in progress 2023
Metrology Partnership Industry 23IND01 ENSURE Electric energy and supply reliability Ensuring the suitability of electricity grids to integrate sources of renewable energy. Alf-Peter Elg in progress 2023
Metrology Partnership Industry 23IND11 ThermoSI Thermometry with embedded SI traceability for industrial applications Improving the efficiency and uncertainty of European temperature measurements Henrik Kjeldsen in progress 2023
EMPIR Energy 16ENG04 MyRailS Metrology for smart energy management in electric railway systems Improved energy and power quality measurements will enable smart, energy efficient management of railway networks Domenico Giordano completed 2016
EMPIR Environment 16ENV07 AEROMET Aerosol metrology for atmospheric science and air quality Improved measurements will support the enforcement and introduction of air pollution regulation to protect European citizens Burkhard Beckhoff completed 2016
EMPIR Environment 16ENV09 MetroDECOM II In situ metrology for decommissioning nuclear facilities Improved radioactivity measurement capabilities will help nuclear site operators manage waste quickly and effectively Peter Ivanov completed 2016
EMPIR Environment 16ENV01 MercOx Metrology for oxidised mercury New measurements of reactive forms of mercury will support enforcement of effective air pollution monitoring Milena Horvat completed 2016
EMPIR Environment 16ENV08 IMPRESS 2 Metrology for air pollutant emissions Standardised pollutant measurements to meet the requirements of current and future air quality regulations Rod Robinson completed 2016
EMPIR Health 18HLT06 RaCHy Radiotherapy coupled with hyperthermia - adapting the biological equivalent dose concept New devices and techniques for precise delivery of combined cancer treatments Giovanni Durando completed 2018
EMPIR Fundamental 17FUN05 PhotOQuant Photonic and Optomechanical Sensors for Nanoscaled and Quantum Thermometry Photonic and optomechanical sensors for nanoscale and quantum thermometry Stéphan Briaudeau completed 2017
EMPIR Normative 16NRM02 SURFACE Pavement surface characterisation for smart and efficient road lighting Better tools to calculate light reflection will create safer roads Paola Iacomussi completed 2016
EMPIR Capacity Building 16RPT03 inTENSE Developing research capabilities for traceable intraocular pressure measurements Bringing state of the art intraocular-pressure measurements to Central Europe Dominik Prazak completed 2016
EMRP SI Broader Scope SIB02 NEAT-FT Accurate time/frequency comparison and dissemination through optical telecommunication networks Network for European time and frequency transfer Harald Schnatz completed 2011
459 result(s)