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integrated metrology community.

TC-EM Contact Persons

Name Institute Country / Organisation
Aizza, Stéphane ILNAS - Bureau luxembourgeois de métrologie Luxembourg
Atanasoski, Aneta BoM - Bureau of Metrology North Macedonia
Baire, Quentin SMD - FPS Economy, DG Quality and Safety, Metrology Division Belgium
Bambitis, Martins LATMB - LNMC Metrology Bureau Latvia
Bergsten, Tobias RISE - RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB Sweden
Cabral, Vitor IPQ - Instituto Português da Qualidade Portugal
Callegaro, Luca INRIM - Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica Italy
Çayci, Hüseyin UME - Ulusal Metroloji Enstitüsü Türkiye
Cirneanu, Liliana INM-RO - National Institute of Metrology Romania
Díaz de Aguilar, Javier CEM - Centro Español de Metrología Spain
Dokuzi, Deniada DPM - General Directorate of Metrology Albania
Geižutis, Andrejus FTMC - Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology: Metrology Department Lithuania
Gelovani, Manana GEOSTM - Georgian National Agency for Standards and Metrology Georgia
Gherlih, Andrei INM-MD - National Metrology Institute of the Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova
Holiastou, Myrto EIM - Hellenic Institute of Metrology Greece
Ilic, Damir FER-PEL - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Primary Electromagnetic Laboratory Croatia
Kumar, Susmit JV - Justervesenet - Norwegian Metrology Service Norway
Lazarevic, Jasmina DMDM - Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals Serbia
Lindic, Matjaž MIRS/SIQ/Metrology - Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology Slovenia
Manninen, Antti MIKES - VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Centre for Metrology MIKES Finland
Milojevic, Vladimir IMBiH - Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
Piquemal, François LNE - Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais France
Pokatilov, Andrei Metrosert - AS Metrosert Estonia
Power, Oliver NSAI NML - NSAI National Metrology Laboratory Ireland
Siegner, Uwe PTB - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Germany
Sluciak, Juraj SMU - Slovak Institute of Metrology Slovakia
Sokić, Dejan BMM - Bureau of Metrology Montenegro
Stokes, Daniel NPL - National Physical Laboratory United Kingdom
Streit, Jiri CMI - Czech Metrology Institute Czechia
Thirstrup, Carsten DFM - Danish Fundamental Metrology Denmark
van den Brom, Helko E. VSL - VSL National Metrology Institute Netherlands
Velychko, Oleh SE "Ukrmetrteststandard" - State Enterprise "All-Ukrainian State Scientific and Production Center of Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Consumer' Rights Protection" Ukraine
Yovcheva, Antoaneta BIM - Bulgarian Institute of Metrology Bulgaria
Zawadzki, Pawel GUM - Central Office of Measures/Glówny Urzad Miar Poland
Zeier, Markus METAS - Federal Institute of Metrology METAS Switzerland
Ziaja, Péter BFKH - Government Office of the Capital City Budapest Hungary
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Contacts with Observer Status

Name Institute Country / Organisation
Hoxha, Qëndresa M. KMA - Kosovo Metrology Agency Kosovo * (*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.)
Popov, Oleg INPL - The National Physical Laboratory of Israel Israel
Seksembayev, Nurian KazStandard - Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology Kazakhstan
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3 result(s)