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Transportable optical clock used in first demonstration of its kind

Transportable optical clock and frequency comb of partners PTB and NPL at Modane Underground Laboratory (LSM)

Transportable optical clock has been developed by partner PTB for use in a coordinated programme of clock frequency comparisons.

As part of EMRP project International timescales with optical clocks (SIB55 ITOC), a transportable optical clock has been developed by partner PTB that allows for comparisons to be performed between NMIs. The recent operation of this clock in a remote site is the first demonstration of its kind and its performance has surpassed that of the best previously-reported transportable frequency standard (the transportable caesium fountain developed by OBSPARIS). 

The tests performed within this project have enabled critical components in the setup to be identified, and updates of the hardware based on this evaluation will make the setup a reliable and robust measurement device. In fact, first updates implemented for a second test at a remote site confirm these expectations. The key prerequisite for the redefinition of the second is the integration of optical atomic clocks into the international timescales and this device will facilitate a coordinated programme of clock frequency comparisons to achieve the lowest possible uncertainties. 


  • EMRP SIB55 ITOC project page
  • EMRP,
  • SI Broader Scope / Integrated European Metrology,

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