Study and realization of RF and microwave power standards and related measuring instruments.

Project Description

BNM/LCIE realized for its own use microcalorimeters and measuring instruments such as transfer standards, bolometric bridge and temperature controlled bolometer mounts in the frequency band between 1 MHz and 100 GHz.

It proposes to study:

1) the improvement of the microcalorimeters (mechanical caracteristics, thin wall waveguide and coaxial line).

2) the improvement of the bolometric bridge by adding a digital output (IEEE 488).

3) the realization of power transfer standards.

These equipments could be realized for interested laboratory.

Electricity and Magnetism (EM)
J. Achkar, LNE-SYRTE (France)
Phone: +33 1 40 95 60 44
Fax: +33 1 40 95 60 50
Coordinating Institute
LNE-SYRTE (France)
Further Partners