Spectrum of pulse generators in accordance with CISPR 16-1-1

Project Description

Subject of this project is an interlaboratory measurement comparison of a pulse generator spectrum in accordance with CISPR 16-1-1. Two NMIs participate in this exercise together with four other laboratories. The measurand of interest is the spectral voltage amplitude density for different frequency bands up to 1 GHz as defined in CISPR 16-1-1. To our knowledge no comparisons have been conducted so far for this quantity. This first comparison offers the participants the possibility to verify their measurement procedures including the evaluation of measurement uncertainty.

The device under calibration is a Calibration Pulse and Sine Wave Generator, type IGUU 2916 from Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik, Germany.

Pilot duties are shared among METAS and PTB.

Final Report 2009-08-10

The project has been completed and the report can be downloaded here>>

The project has been successfully finished and the final report of this interlaboratory measurement comparison is available on the Euramet website.The measurement loop finished on time, while the analysis of the data was slightly delayed due to limited ressources. The outcomes of the comparison indicate that the results of the participants largely comply with the requirements defined in the IEC standard. The uncertainties quoted by the participants are however considerably smaller than required by the IEC standard. With respect to these quoted uncertainties the results of the laboratories are discrepant, which suggests that not all influences affecting the measurements have been taken into account properly in the uncertainty budgets.

Electricity and Magnetism (EM)
Coordinating Institute
METAS (Switzerland)
Participating Partners
PTB (Germany)
Further Partners
DKD-Lab. K-16101 Rhode & Schwarz (Germany)
Schwarzbeck-Electronic (Germany)
DKD-Lab. K-00201 Rohde & Schwarz (Germany)
ICMET Research Development and Testing National Institute for Electrical Engineering (Romania)