S-parameter measurements in PC 3.5 mm over the frequency band 50 MHz - 26.5 GHz

Project Description

This comparison will treat of the highest capabilities made by national metrology institutes in measuring the scattering parameters (magnitude and phase) of high value attenuators and matched airlines.

The traveling standards involved in the comparison will be :

  • two 40 dB attenuators (HP8493C)
  • two 50 ohms beaded airlines (Maury 8042D and Maury 8042E)

All are fitted with 3.5 mm male/female slotless precision connectors. The lengths of the two airlines are 75 mm and 100 mm respectively.

The operating frequencies will be :

  • from 250 MHz to 26.5 GHz with 250 MHz step
  • frequencies to be considered in the final report : 50 MHz, 500 MHz, 3 GHz, 125 GHz and 25 GHz

Three to five calibrations and measurements are required. The pin depth of the traveling standards connectors will be also measured.

Final Report 2012-09-26

This comparison has been extended into comparison CCEM.RF-K5.c.CL, piloted by NMIJ. This CCEM comparison includes a European loop. So it is not necessary to continue with this project. At the completion of the CCEM comparison, the opportunity to start a supplementary EURAMET comparison with a link to the CCEM comparison, should be considered.

Electricity and Magnetism (EM)
Djamel Allal
E-Mail: djamel.allal@lne.fr
Coordinating Institute
RISE (Sweden)
Further Partners