Radial wave motion correction for microphone calibration

Project Description

The project is a follow-up of the completed EUROMET project 294 which covered tests of software for the pressure reciprocity calibration of laboratory standard microphones. In addition to the EUROMET project 294, the correction for radial wave motion in the cylindrical couplers at higher frequencies will be taken into account. A number of representative data files both for LS1 and LS2 microphones will be developed covering the range of coupler dimensions and microphone parameters observed in practical calibrations. Additionnally, test configurations with diameters differing from those of the micriphone's diagrams will be investigated and the results will be proven with resl measurements.

The coordinator will provide the data files which are then tested and accepted by the partners. A final report will contain a description of the calculation procedures.

Final Report 2007-08-20

The project was launched as a project which was closely linked to the completed EUROMET project 294 which covered tests of software for the pressure reciprocity calibration of laboratory standard microphones.
The progress achieved in the EUROMET project 294 and the revision of the International Standard IEC 61094-2 "MEASUREMENT MICROPHONES – Part 2: Primary method for pressure calibration of laboratory standard microphones by the reciprocity technique" in working group 5 of the IEC TC 29 "Acoustics" led to results which, in the meantime, fully accomplished the aims outlined in the project proposal.

Radial wave motion correction for the pressure reciprocity calibration of laboratory standard microphones is referred to in the data files which belong to project 294 and in the standard IEC 61094-2.
Therefore, the participants did not detect any present need for activity in this field and decided to complete project 493.

The project was launched as a project which was closely linked to the completed EUROMET project 294 which covered tests of software for the pressure reciprocity calibration of laboratory standard microphones.
The progress achieved in the EUROMET project 294 and the revision of the International Standard IEC 61094-2 "MEASUREMENT MICROPHONES – Part 2: Primary method for pressure calibration of laboratory standard microphones by the reciprocity technique" in working group 5 of the IEC TC 29 "Acoustics" led to results which, in the meantime, fully accomplished the aims outlined in the project proposal.

Radial wave motion correction for the pressure reciprocity calibration of laboratory standard microphones is referred to in the data files which belong to project 294 and in the standard IEC 61094-2.
Therefore, the participants did not detect any present need for activity in this field and decided to complete project 493.

Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration (AUV)
Thomas Fedtke, PTB (Germany)
Phone: +49 531 592 1511
Fax: +49 531 592 1015
E-Mail: thomas.fedtke@ptb.de
Coordinating Institute
PTB (Germany)
Participating Partners
NPL (United Kingdom)
Further Partners