Peer review of the self declared CMCs of the LNE

Project Description

As a support for the CMCs claimed by LNE in the framework of the self declared quality system for laboratory and on-site measurements in the technical fields of: High AC voltage, High DC voltage, High voltage capacitance, High voltage capacitance bridge, High voltage transformers, High impulse voltage. Peer visit is planned in the laboratories of the LNE-Trappes in 2016 (the last peer review being in 2013).
The visit will be organized on (from 13 and 17 June) with members from METAS (DR. Mester Christian) as the peer reviewer. Internal audit will also be carried out in parallel. The corresponding CMC capabilities are 71, 72, 73 74, 75, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 122, 132.

Quality (Q)
Michel Massault, LNE (France)
Phone: +33 1 30 69 13 34
Coordinating Institute
LNE (France)
Participating Partners
METAS (Switzerland)