PCB congeners in organic solution

Project Description

The project is aimed at gradually building up measurement capabilities for interested NMIs. The intention is to use organic solutions of PCBs in the first testing round, and then to extend it to an extract of sewage sludge (second round) and finally to sewage sludge (third round). Furthermore, it was proposed to organise workshops after every testing round (in connection with the annual EUROMET/METCHEM meeting) to analyse and discuss the results and to give guidance on various analytical as well as metrological aspects of the project.

Final Report 2006-05-01

The project has been completed and the results can be downloaded here>>.

Metrology in Chemistry (MC)
Franz Ulberth, JRC-Geel (Belgium)
Phone: +3214571600
Fax: +3214571548
E-Mail: franz.ulberth@cec.eu.int
Coordinating Institute
JRC-Geel (European Commission)
Further Partners
UKCRSM (Ukraine)
VNIIM (Russia)
Jordforsk (Norway)
VITUKI (Hungary)