Ongoing consultation between NPL and NIST

Project Description

NPL and NIST signed a declaration of equivalence and a memorandum of cooperation in 2019 and have defined a schedule of comparisons to demonstrate that the measurement standards at each institute are equivalent. This schedule, where appropriate, links to completed, planned and ongoing key comparisons organised by the CCQM Gas Analysis Working Group (GAWG), but there is a need for supplementary comparisons to cover components included in the schedule that are not covered by CCQM key comparisons. Having these supplementary bilateral comparisons formally recognised by the regional metrology organisation is important for ensuring the quality and timeliness of their completion and will be important for knowledge transfer and capability building between the EURAMET and SIM regions.

Metrology in Chemistry (MC)
Coordinating Institute
NPL (United Kingdom)
Further Partners
NIST (United States of America)