Meeting of experts in underwater acoustics

Project Description

The annual meeting of the acoustics contact persons has increasingly concentrated on projects concerned with sound in air at the expense of other areas of work. To correct this imbalance contact persons are requested to nominate experts in the field of underwater acoustics to form a working group to generate and review project proposals concerning underwater acoustics. A key task for the group will be to plan a EUROMET key comparison to follow the proposed BIPM key comparison.

It is anticipated that the group will first meet early in 1999 so that it can report to the contact persons meeting to be held in May 1999.

Final Report 2019-07-29

The Subcommittees Underwater Acoustics and Subcommittees Ultrasound were merged to the new Subcommittee Ultrasound and Underwater Acoustics.
The meetings are carried out regulary and continously.

Progress Report 2004-05-31

Due to the small number of participants and that there was no offer to host a meeting, no meeting was held in 2003. However there remains an interest in proposed EURAMET projects 616 and 617 from both NMIs and industry, and these will be discussed at the next opportunity.

The issue of wider participation was discussed at the 2004 TC-AUV meeting, and it was agreed that NPL will take a proactive role in contacting suitable organisations inviting them to join the SC.

Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration (AUV)
Coordinating Institute
NPL (United Kingdom)
Participating Partners
IO-CSIC (Spain)
Further Partners