Key comparison of water triple point cells (regional extension of CCT-K7)

Project Description

This project is the regional extension of the CCT-K7 key comparison of water triple point cells proposed as additional comparison to previously realized regional key comparison of water triple point cells EUROMET.T-K7.

The needs of realization of this project is explained by two institutions CMI and GUM which obtained non-satisfactory results during previously performed EUROMET.T-K7. These results were connected with instability of the same model of TPW cell used as a transfer cell by both of mentioned institutions.

The project will be coordinated by SMU.

Final Report 2013-04-15

The compariason has been completed and results are published in the KCDB.

Thermometry (T)
Juraj Ranostaj, SMU (Slovakia)
Phone: +421 2 602 220
Fax: +421 2 654 592
Coordinating Institute
SMU (Slovakia)
Participating Partners
CMI (Czechia)
GUM (Poland)