Key comparison of Spectral Irradiance

Project Description

Spectral Irradiance, 250 - 2500 nm of tungsten lamps

Final Report 2016-01-26

The comparison has been completed ans the results has been published in the KCDB.

Seven laboratories took part, including the pilot. In general the results are consistent, with a few exceptions as explained in the report.
The EURAMET.PR-K1.a Key Comparison detailed was carried out to establish the degrees of equivalence for the participating European laboratories with respect to the Key Comparison Reference Value (KCRV) of the CCPR-K1.a Key Comparison. The EURAMET.PR-K1.a KeyComparison was piloted by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), who also acted as pilot for the CCPR-K1.a Key Comparison; a further linkage to the KCRV of the CCPR-K1.a Key Comparison was provided through the participation of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in both comparisons. The other participants were: National Institute of Metrology of Romania (INM-RO),
Federal Office of Metrology (METAS), SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP), All Russian Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements (VSL).
Measurements were made by each laboratory at 44 designated wavelengths, or a subset of these wavelengths. The link laboratories made measurements at all 44 wavelengths. For the purposes of analysis each wavelength has been treated independently, as for the CCPR K1.a comparison.

Progress Report 2014-03-01
The Draft B report was sent to CCPR WG-KC on 19 March 2014 for review and approval. The results of the comparison showed the agreement between the participants' results and the CCPR KCRV was generally good i.e. within the combined unertainties. Following the Draft A stage, one participant identified an error in their method for setting the measurement distance for the lamps, which accounted for the discrepancy between their results and the KCRV.

Progress Report 2013-02-12
All measurements for the comparison have been completed and the final sets of results were submitted to the coordinator in April 2012. The pre-draft A report for the comparison was circulated for review by participants in July 2012 and all responses to the small number of issues arising from the report were received by the coordinator by the end of January 2013. The report has been updated and sent to participants for final sign off, prior to preparation of the Draft A report. It is anticipated that the Draft A report will be sent to participants by end of February 2013.

Progress Report 2012-02-15
Current status is that all participant data has been received with the exception of 1 participant who has missed the deadline which was the end of January. We are now in the process of preparing the predraft A report and analysis, with an aim to complete this by the end of March.

Photometry and Radiometry (PR)
Teresa Goodman, NPL (United Kingdom)
Phone: +44 20 8953 6863
Coordinating Institute
NPL (United Kingdom)
Further Partners