Intercomparison of EMC Antenna Factors in the frequency range 30 MHz to 2 GHz

Project Description

The inter-comparison should cover the frequency range 30 MHz to 2 GHz and include EMC antennas typically in use, such as a biconical, a log-periodic dipole array and a bilog antenna. The measurements are of free-space antenna factor, return loss and balun balance. A rod antenna and a loop antenna have been included, over the frequency range 10 kHz to 30 MHz.

Final Report 2002-01-14

A request to BIPM was made to combine the Euromet 458 comparison with the GT-RF 92-7 loop antenna factor and to add rod antenna factors. A revised protocol was written and sent to the BIPM referees. The draft protocol was also sent to the participants which include Russia, China, Korea and USA. We are awaiting the reply from BIPM before finalising a schedule for the intercomparison.This intercomparison has been transferred to BIPM, so this concludes the work with Euromet.

Electricity and Magnetism (EM)
Martin Alexander, NPL (United Kingdom)
Phone: +44 181 943 7175
Fax: +44 181 943 7176
Coordinating Institute
NPL (United Kingdom)