Inter-national comparison of the calibration of thermocouple by comparison in the temperature range from 0 °C to 1100 °C

Project Description

Comparison of thermocouple calibrations through a circulating type S thermocouple.

Progress Report 2021-02-19

Progress/Draft A Report was prepared and sent to participants

Progress Report 2020-09-10

The evaluation of the measurement results is in progress. It is expected that Draft A would be finalised by mid-November 2020.

Progress Report 2019-04-08

The measurements were completed by all participant laboratories. The participant laboratories sent the reports of comparison but the information included was not complete: the laboratories did not report about the homogeneity results or the furnaces thermal profile as was requested in the comparison protocol. The pilot laboratory is waiting for this information to prepare the Draft A report..

Progress Report 2018-03-20

The measurements are completed by all participant laboratories and the final set of measurements of circulated thermocouple are completed by pilot laboratory. All participant laboratories sent their reports of comparison.

Progress Report 2017-04-07

The measurements are completed by all participant laboratories. The circulated thermocouple is now in pilot laboratory and preparing for the final set of the measurements. Two of participant laboratories sent the reports of comparison and two laboratories are expected to send their reports.

Progress Report 2016-02-04

The measurements are completed by two participant laboratories. Since one thermocouple was broken during the transportation the comparison will be continued by circulating only one thermocouple.