High accuracy comparison measurement of impulse parameters at low voltage levels

Project Description

This is a follow up of EUROMET 488 (Traceability and mutual recognition of impulse voltage measurements). EUROMET 488 had a wider voltage range, this proposed comparison concentrates on calibration of lightning (LI) and switching impulse (SI) voltage calibrator and digitizers.

The aim of the project is to compare impulse voltage calibrators and digitizers on low voltage (100 mV- 300 V).

Final Report 2006-10-13

Measurements have been performed in 2002, and they have been published in ISH’03 in September 2003 and CPEM in July 2004.NIT from Japan showed interest to this comparison in autumn 2005. They are pursuing for the status of an NMI for high voltage quantities in Japan. Additional measurements were performed in December 2005, those results were presented in CPEM’06, and a full paper was submitted for publication to IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas.The comparison will not be included in the BIPM Key Comparison Database.

Progress Report 2004-03-31

Measurements have been performed in 2002, and some of them have been published in ISH’03 in September 2003. Results of the comparison will be further analyzed.

Electricity and Magnetism (EM)
Jari Hällström, Aalto (Finland)
Phone: +358 9 451 2428
Fax: +358 9 451 2395
E-Mail: jari.hallstrom@hut.fi
Coordinating Institute
Aalto (Finland)