Fibre Optic standards

Project Description

Silicon and InGaAs transfer standards for the calibration of fibre optic power meters at METAS have been calibrated by NPL during the past year.Note: CETO (PT) left the project at the EUROMET PHORA meeting in April 2003. Fibre optic power meter calibration:

NPL will transfer to DFM expertise and scales for the calibration of fibre optic power meters by the provision of calibrated working standards.

Collaborative research on fibre optic measurement projects in areas beneficial to both laboratories. Initially a guest worker from DFM will work at NPL on a project yet to be agreed.

Progress Report 2019-05-23

No significant changes are planned to NPL's services for calibration of fibre optic standards in the foreseeable future and it is therefore not considered necessary to continue to make annual reports on progress to EURAMET TC-PR. The project is therefore to be closed, but transfer standards for the project partners (and others) will continue to be carried out by NPL whenever required.

Progress Report  2018-01-18

No activity to report.

Progress Report 2017-01-24

No activity to report.

Progress Report 2016-01-27

No activity to report.securedl/sdl-eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MTQxODk0MDgsImV4cCI6MTc0NTgxMTgwNywidXNlciI6MCwiZ3JvdXBzIjpbMCwtMV0sImZpbGUiOiJNZWRpYVwvZG9jc1wvcHJvamVjdHNcL1RDX1BSX0VVUkFNRVRfUHJvamVjdF9SZXBvcnRfMDAzOF8yMDE1LnBkZiIsInBhZ2UiOjUyOX0.1NU6l4_CEtwq6fzPxJR06YNlJPJvUjgbLIIAZi_wMOo/TC_PR_EURAMET_Project_Report_0038_2015.pdf

Progress Report 2014-03-20

No significant activity to report.

Progress Report 2013-02-25

No significant activity to report.

Progress Report 2004-05-31

Progress report submitted in May 2004.

Photometry and Radiometry (PR)
Christian Hart, NPL (United Kingdom)
Phone: +44 208 943 6863
Coordinating Institute
NPL (United Kingdom)
Participating Partners
INRIM (Italy)
IO-CSIC (Spain)