Comparison of the realisations of the ITS-90 over the range of 83.8058 K to 692.677 K

Project Description

A co-operation between UME, NIS, EIM and DMDM are undertaken to carry out this project.

Main objective of this project is to compare the national highest accuracy realization of ITS-90 between the range from triple point of Ar (83.8058 K) to the freezing point of Zn (692.677 K) using long-term Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer (SPRT) as the participating laboratories routinely establish them and at the same time to support the Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMC) entries.
Two SPRTs are supplied as the circulated transfer standards by pilot laboratory. The second one is kept for safety. The SPRTs used for this comparison will be selected by the pilot due to their very good stability.
It was decided to use one long sterm SPRT provided by UME. It will be measured in all participant laboratories using their different facilities.

The technical protocol (Comparison of the realisations of the ITS-90 over the range 83,805 8 K to 692,677 K) used at the comparison of the EUROMET project 552 "Comparison of the realisation of the ITS-90 over range 83.805 K to 692.677 K" will be used for the measurement of the SPRTs.

Final Report 2015-02-18

The measurements were completed by both Pilot and Participant laboratories and the draft reports were circulated among the participant laboratories and no objections received. The report didn’t contain the linkage to CCT key comparison. To make the linkage to previous CCT comparison is not possible due to time shortage and also it's not necessary since we're already involved in a new regional key comparison EURAMET.T-K9.

Progress Report 2010-03-22

The EUROMET project 1098 is supplementary comparison of regional extension of CCT K3: Comparison of the realisations of the ITS-90 over the range 83.8058 K to 692.677 K.

The aim of this intercomparison is mainly to compare the national highest accuracy realization of ITS-90 in the range from triple point of Argon (83.8058 K) to the freezing point of Zinc (692.677 K) using long-sterm SPRT as the participating laboratories routinely establish them and at the same time to support the Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMC) entries of the participating laboratories.

Four NMIs participated in this comparison. As travelling standards two long sterm SPRTs were used. The project was started in 2009 and the measurements will be finished by July 2010.


Thermometry (T)
Aliye Kartal Dogan, UME (Turkey)
Coordinating Institute
UME (Türkiye)