Comparison of NO in N2 (600 to 850 10-9 mol/mol) expressed in amount fraction units

Project Description

As a follow up of key-comparison CCQM-26a JRC and NPL will carry out a bilateral comparison on NO in N2 measurement at ambient concentrations.
The project will compare the JRC value, calibrated by the static dilution technique, to the gravimetric reference value of NPL.

July 2008 Circulation of cylinder
September 2008 Compilation of measurements by JRC
December 2008 Completion of draft report
January 2009 Completion and agreement of final report
February 2009 Agreement by EURAMET reviewers, as required


Metrology in Chemistry (MC)
Annette Borowiak, JRC (Italy)
Coordinating Institute
JRC-Geel (European Commission)
Participating Partners
NPL (United Kingdom)