Calibration of stabilised laser sources by the optical femtosecond comb generator of BEV

Project Description

Frequency stabilised laser sources are indispensable tools for length metrology. For some applications (multiwavelength interferometry) one needs more “exotic” wavelengths beside the widespread 633 nm HeNe-radiation. BEV provides traceable calibration of these kind of laser sources according to the time schema of the applicant. Main focus lie on the calibration of 543 nm working standards as used in gauge block interferometers, but (selected) other lasers can be measured as well.

Final Report 2019-10-01

The last action was the calibration of a 2-mode stabilized laser working at 543 nm for BFKH (then MKEH) in 2010. BFKH stoped gauge block interferometry service for which this project served as traceability source.
The second partner IPQ does not need the traceability service already since 2005. IPQ operates a primary comb generator.
We foresee no further changes of this situation, the project has effectively ended. 

Progress Report 2011-09-22

In August 2010 a 2-mode stabilised laser (543 nm) of the MKEH was calibrated and a calibration certificate was issued. This laser is used as a light source for the gauge block interferometer.

Progress Report 2006-03-08

In 2005 a 2-mode stabilised laser (543 nm) of the OMH was calibrated and a calibration certificate was issued. Since the frequency of this very laser showed only a small drift from the last value, OMH will extend the calibration period to 2 years.
IPQ has installed an optical femtosecond comb generator recently and will not need the traceability service in the future.

Length (L)
Coordinating Institute
BEV (Austria)
Participating Partners
BFKH (Hungary)
IPQ (Portugal)