Calibration of master hydrometers

Project Description

PTB will provide traceability to customers in the United Kingdom by calibrating master hydrometers to an uncertainty of measurement of ±0,01 kg m-3. The calibration service will be offered to NAMAS accredited laboratories and to those laboratories requiring traceability to meet statutory requirements.

The demand is expected to be about six calibrations every two years.

Final Report 2004-11-17

Now all UK hydrometer calibration laboratories use solid sinkers as density reference and so there is no need to maintain the calibration of this special type of master hydrometers.

With consent of NPL, this traceability project is therefore officially closed.

Mass and Related Quantities (M)
Horst Bettin, PTB (Germany)
Coordinating Institute
PTB (Germany)
Participating Partners
NPL (United Kingdom)