Calibration of long gauge blocks up to length of 1000 mm

Project Description

During the last EUROMET meetings it was proposed to carry out intercomparisons of interferomter systems designed for the calibration of long gauge blocks. It is proposed to circulate two steel gauge blocks of 600 mm and 1000 mm nominal legth for the measurement of the central length, the variation in length, and of possible the thermal expansion.

The gauge blocks have to be measured in a horizontal position wrung to a base plate. Necessary corrections have to be applied.

EUROMET members who want to participate are invited to apply before May 31, 1992. The application should contain information on measurement facilities - in particular if thermal expansion measurements will be carried out - and of the prefered time for the measurement.



Further Information

PTB offers to organize the intercomparison.

Length (L)
Dr Jürgen Helmcke, PTB (Germany)
Coordinating Institute
PTB (Germany)