Bilateral indirect comparison of 10 V Josephson array voltage standards

Project Description

It is proposed tha SMU and BNM-LCIE intercompare their 10 V Josephson array voltage standards in order to determine the agreement between them. The comparison will be indirect and a Fluke 732 A Zener travelling standard will be used.

Final Report 1998-02-05

National standards of voltage were compared using a Zener reference Fluke 732 A as transfer standard. This comparison tested the agreement between 10 V measuring systems of BNM-LCIE and SMU. Measurements at SMU were performed in the periods 09.06.97 - 28.07.97 and 5.08.97 - 07.09.97. BNM-LCIE measured the standard between 29-07.97 - 4.08.97.

A very large number of measurements have been made and several connection modes have been used without showing any significant difference. The result, depending o the noise and long term behaviour of the Zener reference showed a mean voltage difference USMU - UBNM-LCIE equal to (-5 ± 15) x 10-9.

Further Information

Contact person at SMU:

Peter Vrabcek, Slovak Institute of Metrology

Karloveska 63, 84255 Bratislava

Electricity and Magnetism (EM)
Jean-Pierre Lo-Hive, BNM-LCIE (France)
Phone: +33 1 4095 6027
Fax: +33 1 4095 5599
Coordinating Institute
SMU (Slovakia)
Participating Partners
Further Partners