Bilateral direct comparison of Josephson array voltage standards

Project Description

An on-site comparison of Josephson array voltage standards at the 10-V level will be carried out at PTB. The Josephson array voltage standard of PEL will be used as travelling standard. The direct comparison will be carried out like comparisons recently made by BIPM. The PTB Josephson system will provide a stable and isolated reference voltage allowing routine measurement techniques used for calibrations at PEL.
Additionally Zener references will be used to perform an indirect comparison.
The comparison is planned as RMO KC supplementing BIPM.EM-K10.b.

Final Report 2008-09-22

The comparison has been completed and the results are available in the KCDB.

A comparison of the 10 V Josephson array voltage standard of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany, was made with that of the Primarni elektromagnetski laboratorij (PEL), Croatia, in April 2007. The results are in very good agreement and the measured overall relative combined standard uncertainty is better than 1 part in 1010.

Electricity and Magnetism (EM)
Dr Ralf Behr, PTB (Germany)
Coordinating Institute
PTB (Germany)
Participating Partners
FER-PEL (Croatia)