Bilateral comparison of the test rigs of BEV and JP Energetika Ljubljana (representative laboratory for water flow measurements in Slovenia)

Project Description

An electromagnetic flow meter will be tested under the following conditions in BEV and JP Energetika Ljubljana:

  • small flow rates: 50 L/h, 25 L/h, 10 l/h
  • temperature of the water: (50 ± 1) °C
  • pressure at the outlet of the meter: 0,6 bar
  • number of repeated measurements: 10 times

Tested volume at all flow rates: 10 L, 5 L, 3 L
The measurements procedures are planned for the period: November/December 2004.

Final Report 2007-06-01

The project has been completed and the results can be downloaded here>>.

The purpose of this project was to examine the characteristics of flow sensors for water  in two different test rigs at low flow rates (6 l/h £ q £ 50 l/h).
The purpose of this project was not achieved by the performed tests, because the meters to be tested (Coriolis, Mag meter) were not sufficiently stable. 

At the moment no further tests are planned.

Flow (F)
Franz Adunka, BEV (Austria)
Phone: +43-1-49110-537
Fax: +43-1-49 20 875-5371
Coordinating Institute
BEV (Austria)
Participating Partners
MIRS (Slovenia)