Bilateral comparison of the realizations of the ITS-90- at the fixed points of Hg, H2, Ga, In, Sn and Zn

Project Description

This bilateral comparison is intended to compare NCM and NMi VSL realization of the ITS-90. The range of temperature covered in this comparison is from the triple point of Hg (234,3156 K) to the freezing point of Zn (692,677 K). The transfer standards used will be long-sterm SPRT. Data evaluation will be done by BIM-NCM. The link laboratory NMi VSL will check the data analysis as performed by BIM-NCM. The administrative part is organised by BIM-NCM.
This comparison will be linked to the corresponding CCT-K3.
This comparison is organised and funded within the framework of PHARE project BG 2005/017-353.02.02, LOT 1

Final Report 2010-09-16

The comparison has been completed and results are published in the KCDB.

This bilateral comparison is intended to compare BIM and VSL realization of the ITS-90. The range of temperature covered in this comparison is from the triple point of Hg (234,3156 K) to the freezing point of Zn (692,677 K). The transfer standard used is long-sterm SPRT. The administrative part is organized by BIM-NCM.
This comparison is linked to the corresponding CCT-K3.
Data evaluation was done by BIM. After discussions between the participants the final report was written. It is sent to TC-Chair and forwarded to CCT WG7 and BIPM.


Thermometry (T)
Sasho Nedialkov (BIM), Bulgaria
Coordinating Institute
BIM (Bulgaria)
Participating Partners
VSL (Netherlands)