Bilateral comparison of squareness measurements

Project Description

In the frame of EUROMET 570 corrective actions, MIKES has reconstructed its standard equipment for the calibration of big squares.

This bilateral comparison is aimed to test the parameters of the new measurement setup and to confirm the related uncertainty values claimed in the MIKES length CMC tables.
The comparison will proceed according to the Protocol for the EUROMET 570, adapted for one granite artifact (similar to that one used in 570).


Granite square of the rectangular shape (500x300x70) mm with two marked functional surfaces.

The following parameters have to be calibrated:

  • interior angle between the two functional surfaces of the granite square, defined by the angle between the regression-lines fitted through the measurement profiles
  • local LS straightness deviation for all measured profiles of both standards (results to be reported in electronic format)

For all reported results, an uncertainty budget and the combined standard uncertainty uC, evaluated according to ISO-guide to the expression of uncertainty of measurement, has to be given.

Final Report 2009-09-28

The comparison has been completed and the results are available in the KCDB.

Length (L)
Jiri Mokros, SMU (Slovakia)
Phone: +421 2 60294 253
Fax: +421 2 65429 592
Coordinating Institute
SMU (Slovakia)
Participating Partners
MIKES (Finland)