Bilateral comparison Cu-fixed points by using Pt/Pd thermocouple

Project Description

A co-operation between NMi VSL and PTB is undertaken to carry out this project. Two transfer Pt/Pd thermocouples will be circulated between the participating laboratories in order to be intercompared with the local realization of the freezing point of copper.
The main objective with this intercomparison is to establish the agreement between the results from MNi VSL and PTB.
The intercomparison measurements will consist of one set of measurements on the local cells.

The results of this project will enable exploiting the Cu freezing point for realization of ITS-90 for thermocouple measurements with highest precision in the range 961 °C to 1084 °C and to gain experience with measurements at the copper freezing point.

Final Report 2010-08-31

The project has been completed and the report can be downloaded here>>.

Draft B report completed in 2010 and reviewed by PTB.
The VSL/PTB bilateral comparison of Pt/Pd thermocouple measurements at the freezing temperature of Cu has revealed calibrations at VSL to be in agreement with the calibrations at PTB within the expanded uncertainty.

Thermometry (T)
Oswin Kerkhof, VSL (Netherlands)
Coordinating Institute
VSL (Netherlands)
Participating Partners
PTB (Germany)