420 mm step-gauge calibration

Project Description

A 420 mm step-gauge with gauge blocks made from ceramics will be calibrated, i.e. the distance of all 22 centers of the position defining surfaces will be measured with respect to the first one ("surface zero"). The deviations of the nominal positions will be deduced. Where possible, the linear temperature expansion coefficient 'alpha' of the step gauge frame will be measured additionally.

The aimed uncertainty u (k=2) is 0,5 µm for the step gauge calibration.

Final Report 2000-04-10

All measurements including a remeasure of NPL were completed and analysed. A final report has been prepared and distributed to the participants. Its contents is accepted by the participants. It has been published as PTB-report F-37 Calibration of a step gauge.

Length (L)
Dr Otto Jusko, PTB (Germany)
Coordinating Institute
PTB (Germany)
Further Partners