2nd International Seminar on low temperatur thermometry

Project Description

In 1997 INTiBS PAN (Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of Polish Academy of Sciences) organised the first international seminar on low temperature thermometry which met with an interest of scientists from universities, metrological laboratories and industry. It is a follow-up to the European Project on improvement of cryogenic temperature standards, to the adoption by CIPM of the Provisional Low-Temperature Scale from 0.9 mK to 1 K and to the 8th Symposium TEMPERATURE, Its Measurements and Control in Science and Industry in Chicago 2002) with the CCT Workshop “Towards to ITS-XX” that opened discussion on current problems in low temperature thermometry.
This discussion may continue during another workshop, immediately after the Seminar, on properties of novel materials at low temperatures organised by CELTAM (Centre for Low Temperature Studies of Promising Materials for Applications) in Wroclaw on 8 and 9 October 2003. A part of this workshop is reserved for thermometry.The goal of both events is to offer an opportunity to present new results and new techniques of measurement and also to exchange knowledge, opinions and experiences among metrologists, scientists and engineers working in the low temperature thermometry. The Seminar will be held one year before TEMPMEKO’2004 Symposium where the main conclusions concerning cryogenics may be presented on a bigger forum. The 2-days seminar will consist of invited lectures and oral presentations; a poster session is provided, too. Full papers will appear in proceedings.

Non-European countries will be informed about the seminar.

Final Report 2006-03-08

In 1997 INTiBS PAN (Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of Polish Academy of Sciences) organised the first international seminar on low temperature thermometry which met with an interest of scientists from universities, metrological laboratories and industry.
The second one was organised just after ending of the European Union project devoted to a new generation of cryogenic temperature standards and adopting by CIPM.
The Provisional Low-Temperature Scale from 0.9 mK to 1 K and gave an opportunity for informal discussion related to both above mentioned areas and other subjects of the low temperature thermometry like low temperature scales, secondary fixed points, uncertainty budget or temperature measurements in magnetic fields.

During 2-days seminar several invited lectures and oral presentations were presented. Full papers were published in Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar and Workshop on Low Temperature Thermometry, Wroclaw, Poland; Edit. A.Szmyrka-Grzebyk and A. Kowal..

The seminar jointed the Workshop on Properties of Novel Materials at Low Temperatures orginised by CELTAM (Centre for Low Temperature Studies of Promising Materials for Aplications) on 1-2.October. 2003 at INTiBS PAN in Wrocław.


33 persons from 11 countries participated in the Seminar.

Thermometry (T)
Dr Anna Szmyrka-Grzebyk, INTiBS (Poland)
Coordinating Institute
INTiBS (Poland)