Metrology Knowledge Transfer in the European Metrology Research Programme1

Project Description

The aim is to improve the effectiveness of metrology knowledge transfer KT as a means of raising the level of measurement competence in the European Union and elsewhere. KT is a key element in a European Metrology Research Programme since new measurement knowledge, created in research, needs to be transferred to be useful (in research and also in promoting innovation, growth and welfare)2. KT is a two-way information exchange between NMIs and metrology stakeholders (universities, practitioners, industry, regulators). Metrology KT covers a wide range of measurement needs/subjects as well a broad spectrum of KT mechanisms. This calls for a specific, proactive coordinated action of metrology KT in Europe, over and above the usual knowledge transfer attached to any project. A number of workpackages address different aspects of a coordinated European Metrology KT programme are proposed: 

WP1 Metrology KT Coordination

Provide overall coordination of European Metrology KT programme as mentioned in the EMRP Outline [2007]3. Activities would include KT capacity building among NMIs; collaborative research including secondment, etc. A new KT Group is proposed to be formed for this coordinated proactive European Metrology KT programme. The Group will be populated by KT contact persons per NMI where available. An initial piece of work would look at objectives, strategy, operational framework and ensuring the work is inclusive, as well as setting some success measures to be evaluated at the end. A Comparative study of Metrology KT in other regions of the World is included.

Deliverable: Coordination plan/Roadmap for Metrology KT in iMERA Art. 169/EMRP. 

WP2 External funding of Metrology KT

A variety of potential sources of external funding/support for developing metrology KT are available, including EU/Marie Curie/Science & Society etc.

Deliverables: Proposals to EU Marie Curie and other sources of funding 

WP3 Metrology KT & Innovation

Better measurement is an essential component in promoting innovation, growth and welfare. This WP aims to explore existing and potential future actions where the principal aim of metrology KT is innovation, rather than education or regulation. Actions could include mechanisms for metrology KT for innovation as well as impact assessment (including coordination with iMERA task T2.5 Addressing intellectual property issues and iMERA T1.5 Impact).

Deliverable: Collation of existing national studies of KT & Innovation. Proposed Metrology KT innovation Action in EMRP 

WP4 Metrology KT & Regulation

Metrology KT is motivated in part by its support to the implementation of regulation (quality assurance, health & safety, infrastructure for innovation, trade, etc). How can Metrology KT be improved in a dialogue with regulators - for instance standardisation bodies, accreditation bodies - and actors in quality-assured measurement and conformity assessment (secondary calibration laboratories, testing laboratories, notified bodies, etc)? Coordination with iMERA task T2.8 Ethical, gender and societal issues.

Deliverable: KT input to a programme "Supporting the Quality of Measurement Results in Europe", including the development of educational material in connection with Interlaboratory Comparisons (ILC) and calibration guidelines at the secondary level. Contributions to proposed EA/EUROMET/EUROLAB Workshop on ILCs.

Deliverable: Input to proposed EUROMET INTMET project "Embedding best measurement practice in regulatory activity - EMBPRA" [NPL]. 

WP5 Metrology KT & Research

Collaboration in research is one important mechanism of Metrology KT between NMIs and major research teams at universities, institutes, industries etc. It enables the development of new SI definitions; metrology in the emerging technologies (bio, nano etc) and more. This WP explores means of making more effective coordinated mechanisms between NMIs and these major research teams, which to date have however been few and rather ad hoc International coordination with corresponding actions in CGPM/IUPAP etc.

Deliverable: Metrology KT Impact study (in coordination with iMERA T1.5). International conference on Physics & Metrology 

WP6 Metrology KT & Education

Metrology KT is part of wider educational and training activities in the European Union. Coordination between Metrology KT actions by NMIs with other actors in education and training is to be explored. Areas could include: inventory of university material for measurement teaching/KT; industrial training courses; continued support for European MÉTROLOGIE  2009 congress; NCSLi conferences etc.

Deliverable: Coordinated package of metrology educational material at university level.

Deliverable: Formulation of a EUROMET plan for Continuation and strengthening of European Metrology conferences. 

WP7 Metrology KT development of material by NMIs

Development of Metrology KT material in a coordinated action amongst NMIs. Areas could include inventory of NMI material for teaching/KT; e-learning template for KT material; need for European Metrology journal/newsletter/guides; secondments4 between NMIs and stakeholders (university, industry)

1 Based on recommendations of iMERA T1.4 KT, "Study of Metrology Knowledge Transfer in the European Research Area", Pendrill LR and Tellett G 2006 report to iMERA, SP Report 2006:24, ISBN 91-85533-09-02 

2EU Commission 2007 "European research policy should be deeply rooted in European society", in Green paper The European Research Area: New Perspectives, COM(2007) 161 final, 070404,

3European Metrology Research Programme: Outline 2007, Edition - March 20074Secondments "horizontally" between NMIs dealt within iMERA Tasks 1.7 3.2

Progress and Final Report 2010-03-01 

Metrology knowledge transfer (KT) is an important complement to other NMI activities in exchanging measurement know-how, including new knowledge gained in the EMRP and other research activities, to fellow NMI metrologists as well as other external stakeholders. A number of studies of and recommendations about metrology KT have been made in EURAMET, for instance as part of the iMERA project.

As described in this TC-IM KT project description, a number of workpackages address different aspects of a coordinated European Metrology KT programme. Progress during 2009 and actions for 2010 which completed this project are presented here according to these WPs:

  • WP1 Metrology KT Coordination

This TC IM project is to provide overall coordination of European Metrology KT programme for the EURAMET organisation as a whole. Metrology KT relates in principle to all fields of activity of EURAMET and may take place in several EURAMT bodies, e.g. different TCs and in the EMRP. For instance KT is mentioned in the EMRP Outline and in the Article 169 texts. The EURAMET Board of Directors considers overall governance and strategy for KT activities on behalf of the General Assembly.

Action: KT/WP1.1 2010: The TC-IM KT project reports to the EURAMET BoD and General Assembly.

  • WP2 External funding of Metrology KT

A variety of potential sources of external funding/support for developing metrology KT are available, including EU/Marie Curie/Science & Society etc.

Deliverable KT/WP2.1: Proposals to EU Marie Curie and other sources of funding

During 2009, consideration has been given to different funding opportunities:

  • "Ordinary" (i.e. non-EMRP) EU Framework Programme projects in metrology - such as CO-NANOMET - often include work in support of metrology KT and thus get support. see WP 3 below
  • The EMRP also in principle includes KT activities: see WP5 below.
  • EURAMET is considering its strategy in quality infrastructure projects - see WP4 below

For actions - see respective WP below.

  • WP3 Metrology KT & Innovation

Better measurement is an essential component in promoting innovation, growth and welfare. This WP aims to explore existing and potential future actions where the principal aim of metroloy KT is innovation (rather than education or regulation). Actions could include mechanisms for metrology KT for innovation as well as impact assessment (including coordination with iMERA task T2.5 addressing intellectual property issues and iMERA T1.5 Impact).

Deliverable KT/WP3.1: Collation of existing national studies of KT & Innovation. Proposed Metrology KT innovation Action in EMRP

Impact studies are becoming of increasing importance, for instance in dialogues between EURAMET member NMIs and national metrology programme owners. During 2009, the results of the iMERA project - including impact studies - were published through the EURAMET website.

The EMRP also in principle includes TK activities: see WP5 below.

The CO-NANOMET  project aims at coordination of nanometrology in Europe and addresses the need within Europe to develop the required measurement frame to support successfully the development and economic exploitation of nanotechnology. CO-NANOMET involves a number of NMIs together with other nanostakeholders such as research institutes, industry, regulatory and standards bodies and the EC.

Action KT/WP3.1 2010: EURAMET continues its liaison with CO-NANOMET about metrology KT activities, e.g. CO-NANOMET WP (DFM, DK) and WP 4.3 (SP, SE)

  • WP4 Metrology KT & Regulation

Metrology KT is motivated in part by its support to the implementation of regulation (quality assurance, health & safety, infrastructure for innovation, trade, etc).

Deliverable KT/WP4.1: KT input to a programme "Supporting the Quality of Measurement Results in Europe", including the development of educational material in connection with Interlaboratory Comparisons (ILC) and calibration guidelines at the secondary level.

Deliverable KT/WP4.1: KT input to a programme "Supporting the Quality of Measurement Results in Europe", including the development of educational material in connection with Interlaboratory Comparisons (ILC) and calibration guidelines at the secondary level.

Deliverable KT/WP4.2: Input to proposed EURAMET INTMET project "Embedding best measurement practice in regulatory activity - EMBPRA" [NPL].

During 2009, the role of quality-assured measurement (metrology) in Conformity Assessment has been promoted externally on various occasions:

  • at meetings of EAAB, European Forum for Conformity Assessment (EFCA), etc
  • a EURAMET position paper "Role of Quality-assured Measurement in Conformity assessment" was presented during 2009 []
  • in on-going negotiations with a number of liaison organisations in which MoUs are in preparation: CEN/CENELEC, EA, JRC, WELMEC

EURAMET is preparing a joint seminar with WELMEC on "Metrology and Conformity Assessment" for EU neighbouring countries. This seminar will be supported by the COM, TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange).

Action: KT/WP4.1 2010: The TAIEX seminar will take place from 1 to 2 of March 2010 in Brussels

EURAMET BoD has made a survey during 2009 of the experience of EURAMET and its individual NMI members in quality infrastructure development activities and discussions continue about ambitions of EURAMET in this area.

During 2009, the TC-IM Focus Group "Metrological Infrastructure" has reported that it has worked with some course and training material in that Group, e.g. creation of a new working group for the development of new guidance documents in the field of metrology (Sarajevo meeting Dec 2009). It is important that new KT material refers, where appropriate, to already existing material available elsewhere.

The EURAMET Calibration Guides are an important vehicle for Metrology KT []. EURAMET is preparing a draft on "Conditions for the use of EURAMET Calibration Guides by other organisations" [BoD action B05-A08].

Action: KT/WP4.2 2010: The TC-IM KT project should liaise with the TC-IM Focus Group on Metrological Infrastructure on the development of educational and training material.

Action: KT/WP4.3 2010: The EURAMET Chair, BoD and others to make various publications about EURAMET. These include:

  • "Measure for Measure": in the "The Science and Technology Review" March 2010 
  • Interview with magazine "NCSLi Measure", March 2010

Recent EURAMET publications are available on the EURAMET website:

  • WP5 Metrology KT & Research

Collaboration in research is one important mechanism of Metrology KT between NMIs and major research teams at universities, institutes, industries (bio, nano etc.) and more. This WP explores means of making more effective coordinated mechanisms between NMIs and these major research teams, which to date have however been few and rather ad hoc. International coordination with corresponding actions in CGPM/IUPAP etc.

Deliverable KT/WP5.1: Metrology KT Impact study (in coordination with iMERA T1.5). International conference on Physics & Metrology

During 2009 the following actions have been performed:

  • Continued liaison with external R&D actors, for instance through the EURAMET Research Council (meeting Dec 2009)
  • Planning of a Metrology Session at the ESOF 2010 (Turin, IT)

Action: KT/WP5.1 2010: EURAMET to delivery, in collaboration with INRIM, BIPM and others, a "SI units and European Metrology" Session at the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2010

Deliverable KT/WP5.2: Coordination plan/Roadmap for Metrology KT in iMERA Art. 169/EMRP - still needed.

The EMRP also in principle includes KT activities: "The core activity of the EMRP shall consist in funding multi-partner trans-national EMRP projects addressing research, technological development, training and dissemination activities (|| "EMRP projects")." [Art 3.1 of Council Decision on EMRP Art169].

Action: KT/WP5.2 2010: One proposal is that the "new" TC-IM tackles deliverable KT/WP5.2 in cooperation with the EMRP Committee.

Action: KT/WP5.3 2010: EURAMET arranges a Symposium during the EURAMET General Assembly 2010 at Lisbon, May. Responsible: EMRP Chair and EURAMET Chair.

  • WP6 Metrology KT & Education

Metrology KT is part of wider educational and training activities in the European Union. Coordination between Metrology KT actions by NMIs; industrial training courses with other actors in education and training is to be explored. Areas could include: inventory of university material for measurement teaching/KT; continued support for European MÉTROLOGIE 2009 congress; NCSLi conferences etc.

Deliverable KT/WP6.1: Coordinated package of metrology educational material at university level.

Deliverable KT/WP6.2: Formulation of a EURAMET plan for Continuation and strengthening of European Metrology conferences. 

EURAMET was approached during the International Metrology Congress 2009 in Paris by a representative of a Czech association of calibration laboratories, Roman Honig, who mentioned a Czech-Slovak initiative for a European cooperation of calibration laboratories (with the proposed name EUROCAL). NMIs have of course many contacts with secondary calibration laboratories, as an equivalent to the NCSLi, is effectively missing while such laboratories had a long list of topics where NMIs could potentially help. This covers both consultancy, training courses but also the organisation of regional metrology conferences (such as the Metrologie Congress). The question has been raised how EURAMET could support such an initiative [BoD B08.09.08].

EURAMET has assisted in the organisation of the Metrologie conference which has been successfully organised biannually for many years by the CFM (Collège Francais de Metrologie). EURAMET and CFM are at present discussing possibly strengthened collaboration in organising future Metrology congresses.

Action: KT/WP6.1 2010 EURAMET Chair, BoD and Secretariat continue liaising with CFM and inform TC-IM on progress during 2010.

Action: KT/WP6.2 2010 EURAMET BoD appoints representative(s) to Metrologie 2011 organising committee.

EURAMET has also assisted in the NCSLi series of conferences in North America. During 2009, discussions between NCSLi and EURAMET have lead to work preparing an MoU between the organisations which is expected to cover KT activities.

Action: KT/WP6.3 2010 EURAMET Chair (NCSLi Board Representative) continues liaising with NCSLi on behalf of EURAMET and reports to BoD and TC-IM on progress during 2010.

EURAMET has collaborated over the years with a number of organisations, including the TC-IM Focus Group "Advanced Mathematical Methods in Metrology", in the conference series AMCTM "Advanced Mathematical & Computational Methods in Metrology & Testing". Following the first workshop held in Torino (1993), previous AMCTM conferences have been held in Oxford (1995, 1999), Berlin (1996) and Lisbon (2005) (supported by the EU Network SofTools_Metronet), and Paris 2008, and led to eight volumes on Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology published by World Scientific Volumes content tables can be found at It is expected that AMCTM 2011 will be organised by EURAMET ( jointly with IMEKO TC21 (

Action: KT/WP6.4 2010 EURAMET's TC-IM KT continues to liaise with TC-IM Focus Group "Advanced Mathematical Methods in Metrology" in organisation of AMCTM 2011.

  • WP7 Metrology KT development of material by NMIs

Development of Metrology KT material in a coordinated action amongst NMIs. Areas could include inventory of NMI material for teaching/KT; e-learning template for KT material; need for European Metrology journal/newsletter/guides; secondments between NMIs and stakeholders (university, industry).

Action: KT/WP7.1 2010 Leslie, together with the EURAMET Secretariat, looks at the feasibility of adding metrology KT links to EURAMET website.

During 2009, the first two issues of the new EURAMET newsletter were prepared and published.

Alistair Forbes (NPL) has proposed that the EURAET website could usefully include links to "best-practice" guides and similar material available on individual members websites and elsewhere.

The BoD has considered proposals from the EMRP Committee concerning KT related to the results of the EMRP.

Progress Report 2009-04-16

Metrology knowledge transfer (KT) is an important complement to other NMI activities in disseminating measurement know-how, including new knowledge gained in the EMRP, to fellow NMI metrologists as well as other external stakeholders. At the same time, IT is a two-way process in which stakeholders can also give input to national and European Metrology Programmes. At the same time, KT is a two-way process in which stakeholders can also give input to national and European Metrology Programmes. A number of studies of and recommendations about metrology KT have been made, for instance as part of the iMERA project.

During the first stage of this project the following tasks have been performed:

  • Identification of national metrology KT contact persons (see project description)
  • Input to formulation of EMRP concerning Metrology KT, as included in particularly the Capacity Building section of the EMRP Outline 2008.
  • A comparative study "Comparing and Contrasting Studies of Metrology Education & Training in Europe and the USA", including presentation at NCSLi 2007 and NCSLi Measure.

Some suggestions for future actions: 

EURAMET is suggested to tackle metrology KT with a "walk before we run" approach. A good start would be to landscape existing European metrology KT, such as training, by placing links from EURAMET's website to the metrology training websites of NMIs and other providers. These can be grouped, for instance, according to whether the metrology training is addressing NMI personnel or metrology staff at calibration laboratories or elsewhere.

Action: Leslie, together with the EURAMET Secretariat, looks at the feasibility of adding metrology KT links to EURAMET website. 

Progress Report 2007-04-19

During the first stage of this project the following tasks have been performed:

  • Identification of national metrology KT contact persons (see project description)
  • Input to formulation of EMRP concerning Metrology KT, as included in particularly the Capacity Building section of the EMRP Outline 20071.
  • Start of a comparative study “Comparing and Contrasting Studies of Metrology Education & Training in Europe and the USA”, including presentation at NCLSi 20072.
Interdisciplinary Metrology (IM)
Coordinating Institute
RISE (Sweden)
Further Partners
University of Tartu (Estonia)
JRC-Geel (BE)
NIST (United States of America)