Comparison in Gas Media (absolute mode) in the range from 100 µPa to 1 Pa

Project Description

The main purpose is to give an opportunity to laboratories that did not take part to the Euromet.M.P.K1.b or that had to withdraw their results to assess the quality of their definition of low pressure from 100 µPa up to 1 Pa. An objective is to support a replacement of the CMC entries of the participating laboratories. The transfer standard is a pair of SRG circulating with readout electronics. The SRG are enclosed in an all metal Valve that allows transporting the SRG without breaking the vacuum. The Valve connects to a DN-40-CF flange.
The participating laboratories will have to determine the accomodation coefficient of the SRG under nitrogen pressure.
The beginning of the circulation of the transfer standard is planned for July 2007. It is planned to leave one month at each laboratory for the measurement as well as the transport. It is planned to recalibrate the SRG after few participants to assess the stability during the transport.

Final Report 2012-05-31

The comparison has been completed and the results are available in the KCDB.

Progress Report 2016-04-20

The final report has been approved by all the participants but still needs to be registered by the KCDB of the BIPM and approved by the WG Chair. After small modifications required by Karl Jousten the final report has been submitted in April 2016.

Progress Report 2015-05-24
The final report has been approved by all the participants but still needs to be registered by the KCDB of the BIPM and approved by the WG Chair.

Progress Report 2010-04-15

The circulation of the transfer standard ended in December 2009. The results will be collected end of april 2010. Bosnia Herzegovina joined the comparison in 2009 due to new measurement capabilities. It seems that all participants measured the transfer standard and no participant had to ship back the transfer standard without any measurement done.

The CCM Key comparison CCM.M.P-K14 started in April 2010. Metas is pilote for this key comparison and the technology used for the key comparison is similar to the project 1040. The project 1040 will be linked to CCM.M.P-K14.

Progress Report 2009-03-24

The circulation of the transfer standard started in summer 2008 and the transfer standard has been measured by 2 laboratories until now. The measurement performed by the pilot laboratory have shown a good stability of the transfer standard.

A CCM Key comparison should start end of 2009. Metas will be pilote for this key comparison and the technology used for the key comparison will be similar to the project 1040. The project 1040 will be linked to the key comparison.