Prognostic and predictive value of ultrasound-based estimated ankle brachial pressure index at early follow-up after endovascular revascularization of chronic limb-threatening ischaemia: a prospective, single-centre, service evaluation

Rodway A.D., Maytham G.D., Skene S.S., Pankhania A., Walton I., Ntagiantas N., Whyte M.B., Field B.C.T., Pazos Casal F., Allan C., Jarrett R., Harris J., Hanna L., Heiss C.

Chronic limb-threatening ischaemia, Peripheral artery disease, Angioplasty, Estimated ankle brachial, pressure index, Biomarker

Document type Article
Journal title / Source eClinicalMedicine
Volume 68
Page numbers / Article number 102410
Publisher's name Elsevier BV
Publisher's address (city only) Amsterdam, NX, Netherlands
Publication date 2024-2
ISSN 2589-5370
DOI 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102410
Language English

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