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On-site Waveform Characterization at Static Meters Loaded with Electrical Vehicle Chargers

Hartman T., Pous M., Azpurua M.A., Silva F., Leferink F.

IEEE Keywords Current measurement, Meters, Time measurement, Electromagnetic interference, Time-domain analysis, Probes, Battery charge measurement INSPEC: Controlled Indexing battery storage plants, charge measurement, electric vehicle charging, electromagnetic interference, statistical distributions, time-domain analysis INSPEC: Non-Controlled Indexing electrical vehicle chargers, static meter misreadings, noisy waveforms, electric vehicle charging stations, on-site waveform characterization, EV charging stations, TEMPS software, time domain electromagnetic interference measurement and post-processing system, amplitude probability distribution, APD, EMI measurements, baseband digitizer

Document type Article
Journal title / Source 2019 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE
Volume Not Applic
Issue Not Applic
Page numbers / Article number 6
Publisher's name IEEE
Publication date 2019-9
ISSN 2325-0364
DOI 10.1109/EMCEurope.2019.8871469
Language English

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Name of Call / Funding Programme
EMPIR 2017: Pre-Co-Normative