Design and simulation of a semiconductor chip-based visible - NIR spectrometer for Earth observation

Coote JC, Woolliams EW, Fox NF, Goodyer IDG, Sweeney SJS

Spectroscopy, earth observation, semiconductor, chip-based spectrometer, miniature spectrometer, photodetector, optical sensor, simulation

Document type Proceedings
Journal title / Source Proceedings of SPIE
Peer-reviewed article 1
Volume 8988
Issue 898819
Publisher's name Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Publication date 2014-2-4
Conference name Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XVIII
Conference date 08-03-2014
Conference place San Francisco, California, United States
ISSN  0277-786X
DOI 10.1117/12.2040002
Language English

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