
Reference surface for biosensors developed for calibrating diagnostic devices

Diagram showing the variation in the dissipation signal demonstrated when developing the reference biosensor

Researchers, jointly funded by EMRP project BioSurf HLT04, have developed a reference biosensor to aid the development of calibrated diagnostic devices.

The diagnosis and management of medical conditions is becoming increasingly reliant upon the detection and measurement of biochemical markers. Biosensors are a type of diagnostic test that detects the presence of biochemical markers, but currently standards to ensure the accuracy of measurements using biosensors are limited.

EMRP project BioSurf 'Metrology for the characterisation of biomolecular interfaces for diagnostic devices' aims to meet the needs of diagnostic medical device manufacturers in this rapidly growing industry by providing guides, standards and protocols, and by assessing new and emerging techniques capable of targeting many different biomarkers simultaneously.

This novel surface for biosensors, described in the journal Langmuir, produced very stable, highly repeatable and reproducible results. This makes it ideal for use as a reference surface for biosensors so that they can be compared and calibrated, thereby encouraging development of new calibrated diagnostic technologies.

Find out more about EMRP project HLT04 Biosurf 


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