
Media mentions for Health project HLT10 BiOrigin

An antimicrobial pore in bacterial lipid bilayers

The research progress from the EMRP project Metrology for Biomolecular Origin of Disease (HLT10 BiOrigin) has been featured in industry-oriented and general public venues, including Drug Discovery World and The Times.

BiOrigin has developed a measurement infrastructure necessary for tackling global health challenges such as antimicrobial resistance and drug delivery. The project advances the current understanding of what makes a better antibiotic and enabled key principles for the design of more precise drugs. The use of experimental and computational tools in a single measurement continuum has enabled mechanistic predictions of biological functions at the molecular level including anti-infectious, anticancer activities and targeted intracellular delivery.

The project contributions were featured in specialist literature highlighting the state-of-the-art tools and methods in the area (dedicated issue of Methods) and acknowledged by international awards including 2013 Molecular Physics Young Author Prize to the project's REG partner.

The project has had an exemplary number and quality of outputs including high impact publications reporting key experimental and computational findings: Rakowska et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (2013), Sokhan et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (2015)

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