Development of algorithms for smart grid metrology

Algorithms to establish grid states and topologies from limited input measurements are developed by the GridSens project.



The work expands on algorithms from previous work to include: dynamic conditions; unbalanced systems; missing topology data; unknown impedances; additional data such as Smart Meters and phasor measurement units (PMUs) and missing or inaccurate forecast information. 

There is a particular requirement to improve state estimation quality and take into account uncertain topologies. In addition to these improvements, investigations into whether missing details in the topologies of distribution grids can be ascertained by adapting the algorithms for this purpose are carried out.  

The projects extends the sensor optimal placement (SOP) method to optimisation of a trade-off between minimisation of uncertainty and sensor costs. In addition, the SOP is extended to take into account uncertain topologies and line impedances, which were previously modelled as fixed, known parameters.  

Finally, the use of new forms of information to further develop the state estimation and optimal placement methods are considered. 

For more information, see  the project webpage >> 


Parent project
Short Name:GridSens,Project Number:ENG63

Participating Euramet NMIs and DIs

LCOE (Spain)

NPL (United Kingdom)

PTB (Germany)

SMU (Slovakia)

UME (Türkiye)

VSL (Netherlands)

Other participants

Fundacion Circe Centro de investigacion de recursos y consumos energeticos (Spain)
Technische Universitaet Clausthal (Germany)

Project type
Joint Research Project
2014 - 2017