The European Metrology Network for Smart Electricity Grids

Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future will require secure, clean and efficient energy. The transition towards more a sustainable energy supply has a profound effect on electricity grids – the backbone of modern society.

Transforming electricity grids into smart grids, with smart meters and appliances, renewable energy resources, and efficient infrastructure, means significant re-engineering and a roll-out of new technologies.

The European Metrology Network (EMN) for Smart Electricity Grids is the single point of contact across Europe that provides stakeholder support for measurement challenges in the realisation of smart electricity grids.

The EMN for Smart Electricity Grids provides support for standardisation, testing, and the research and development of national smart grid development and implementation strategies. By promoting a reliable and robust measurement infrastructure, the EMN for Smart Electricity grids will help Europe to meet its sustainability and climate change goals, and support the energy systems of the future.