
Electric vehicle research features in Italian television report

Driving electric car

EMPIR project research sparks extensive media coverage 

EMPIR project <link research-innovation search-research-projects details>Metrology for inductive charging of electric vehicles (16ENG08 MICEV) consortium is working to accurately measure the efficiency of inductive power transfer, and provide the means to reliably demonstrate compliance with existing safety standards for human exposure.

It will also develop the measurement tools needed in the development of high efficiency couplers needed for inductive charging of electric vehicles. These results will support safe and efficient charging of low carbon electric vehicles.

Still in its first year, the work of this collaborative project has gained considerable interest from the media, particularly in Italy, and reached an audience of over 10,000 people.

Besides press releases and website interviews, a TV report was broadcast on TG Leonardo (Scientific news on Italian National broadcasting RAI3) and an interview with scientific web television Triwu took place during the Milan Design Week, Smart City event.

TG Leonardo TV report (Italian)

This EMPIR project is co-funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the EMPIR Participating States.


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