Workshop on the future of metrology for advanced manufacturing

The workshop on the future of metrology for advanced manufacturing will take place at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) on the 23rd of May 2024 in Berlin, Germany. The event will publicise the achievements from the JNP project AdvManuNet, which has accelerated the establishment of EURAMET’s European Metrology Network (EMN) for Advanced Manufacturing.

The targeted audience has an interest in joint research at European level and in the latest trends and challenges in the field of metrology for advanced manufacturing technologies.

The workshop will include presentations about the formation of the EMN for Advanced Manufacturing, training and outreach activities, a demonstration of its online platform and the development of the strategic research agenda. This will be followed by presentations from BAM experts working on metrology research and from stakeholders with a focus on advanced materials and on industrial digital quality infrastructure. The workshop will conclude with an interactive guided discussion on the future metrology needs of advanced manufacturing and advanced materials. The workshop is free to attend with limited number of participants in presence and a hybrid option for those who are not able to join in Berlin.


Please register with the following information at the email:

First name, surname:
Email address:
Attendance: Select either presence or remote (via Webex)
Dietary restrictions (for presence):

The number of participants is strictly limited for attendance in presence.  You will receive a reply whether your registration to has been accepted for attendance in presence.

For remote attendance, spaces are less limited and you will receive an email confirming our acceptance of registration with the meeting link.

Registration for presence will close on 8 May 2024.

Registration for remote participation will close on 14 May 2024.

Workshop on future of metrology for advanced manufacturing