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Metrology Partnership Capacity Building 23RPT01 WAC Wideband AC quantum traceability Developing European metrology capability with the generation of a new wideband AC quantum standard Martin Sira in progress 2023
EMPIR SI Broader Scope 15SIB04 QuADC Waveform metrology based on spectrally pure Josephson voltages An accurate, stable and rapid AC voltage measurement system for industrial end-use Ralf Behr completed 2015
EMPIR New Technologies 15SIP06 ValTraC Validation of software development and analysis tools using TraCIM Developing a computer system and guidelines to enable developers to validate the performance of measurement software online Ian Smith completed 2015
EMRP Energy ENG57 VITCEA Validated inspection techniques for composites in energy applications Better materials for energy: Improving detection of defects in new materials Michael Gower completed 2013
EMRP Industry IND12 Vacuum Vacuum metrology for production environments Strengthening industrial vacuums: Improving vacuum measurements for better end-products Karl Jousten completed 2010
EMPIR Capacity Building 15RPT02 UNAC-LOW Underwater acoustic calibration standards for frequencies below 1 kHz New calibration methods for underwater noise monitors supporting compliance with environmental legislation Alper Biber completed 2015
Metrology Partnership Health 22HLT01 QUMPHY Uncertainty quantification for machine learning models applied to photoplethysmography signals Improving European low-cost diagnostic and disease monitoring methodologies Nando Hegemann in progress 2022
EMPIR Environment 14SIP02 EO e-Learning Uncertainty Analysis for Earth Observation e-Learning Training Course Improving the predictive models that identify trends underlying climate change Edward Davis completed 2014
EMPIR Fundamental 17FUN03 USOQS Ultra-stable optical oscillators from quantum coherent and entangled systems Exploiting optical clocks for time measurement and sensor development Filippo Levi completed 2017
EMPIR Fundamental 20FUN01 TSCAC Two-species composite atomic clocks Developing the systems needed to improve the measurement of the SI second. Nils Huntemann completed 2020
EMPIR Fundamental 20FUN03 COMET Two dimensional lattices of covalent- and metal-organic frameworks for the Quantum Hall resistance standard  Exploring alternative materials to graphene for an improved industrial quantum standard. Félix Raso in progress 2020
Metrology Partnership Digital Transformation 22DIT01 ViDiT Trustworthy virtual experiments and digital twins Supporting Europe’s digital transformation Sonja Schmelter in progress 2022
Metrology Partnership Integrated European Metrology 22IEM01 TOCK Transportable optical clocks for key comparisons Developing travelling standards for high-performance optical clock comparisons Nils Huntemann in progress 2022
EMPIR Environment 20SIP02 FreeRelease Transfer of developed pre-selection and free release technology to decommissioning industries Promoting uptake of measurements to support safe and effective management of radioactive waste Petr Kovar completed 2020
EMRP SI Broader Scope 17SIP06 FAME VNA Traceable, Faster More Accurate Measurement Software for Vector Network Analysers Traceable, Faster and More Accurate Measurement Software for Vector Network Analysers completed 2017
EMPIR SI Broader Scope 15SIB09 3DNano Traceable three-dimensional nanometrology Nanometrology methods for measuring complex 3D nanostructures to uncertainty levels of less than 1 nm Virpi Korpelainen completed 2015
EMRP Industry IND15 SurfChem Traceable quantitative surface chemical analysis for industrial applications Understanding chemical reactions at surfaces: Improving the speed and efficiency of industrial processes completed 2010
EMPIR Industry 20IND04 ATMOC Traceable metrology of soft X-ray to IR optical constants and nanofilms for advanced manufacturing Developing comparable optical metrology of materials used in photonics Markus Bär in progress 2020
EMPIR Energy 19ENG08 WindEFCY Traceable mechanical and electrical power measurement for efficiency determination of wind turbines Wind power is the largest form of renewable energy, but current testing methods are hindering innovations completed 2019
EMRP Environment ENV08 WFD Traceable measurements for monitoring critical pollutants under the European Water Framework Directive (WFD-2000/60/EC) Supporting European water quality policy: Developing standards for water pollutants Rosemarie Philipp completed 2010
459 result(s)