On-site peer review of NSAI NML, Ireland

Project Description

Laboratory for temperature of NSAI NML is on its way to publish CMCs in the field of radiation thermometry. Therefore the QMS of laboratory for radiation temperature has to be peer reviewed. In this project peer review will be carried out by an on-site visit from a metrological expert for radiation temperature coming from MIRS/UL-FE/LMK (SI) (Associate: Designated Institute).The review will include relevant requirements for the competence stated in the standard of ISO/IEC 17025 and the temperature services included in the CMC tables. This project will support the upcoming activities on the way of publishing of CMCs entries of NSAI NML for the field of radiation temperature, which is related on NSAI NML participation in the  EURAMET comparison with the project number 1336 and participation in EURAMET/EMPIR/Eurathermal project.

Final Report 2019-12-12

Igor Pusnik from MIRS/UL-FE/LMK (Slovenia) performed a peer review of the NSAI NML temperature section from the 22 to the 25 of January 2018. As a result, 13 non-conformances were raised on the NML quality system, as well as 21 observations.
The above non conformances and resolutions were sent to the peer reviewer upon completion and were accepted. The observations led to a review and changes to the NSAI quality system to ensure closer alignment with international best practice.

Quality (Q)
Coordinating Institute
NSAI NML (Ireland)
Participating Partners
MIRS/UL-FE/LMK (Slovenia)