Find all EURAMET Metrology Research Projects

EMPIR 18SIP01 ISOCONCur An ISO Technical Report on Nanoparticle Concentration Providing clarity on measuring nanoparticle number concentrations to support product development Charles Clifford completed 2018
EMPIR Normative 19NRM04 ISO-G-SCoPe Standardisation of structural and chemical properties of graphene Graphene could revolutionise many areas of technology but international standards to underpin its use are lacking Charles Clifford completed 2019
EMPIR Capacity Building 21SCP02 TRaMM Traceability Routes for Magnetic Measurements Assessing and addressing deficiencies in European metrology for magnetic measurements and calibration Marco Coisson in progress 2021
EMPIR Normative 18NRM04 Heroes Determining new uncertainty requirements for increasingly stringent legislative HCl industrial emission limits Building certainty in test methods for industry and regulators Marc Coleman completed 2018
EMPIR Normative 17NRM05 EMUE Advancing measurement uncertainty - comprehensive examples for key international standards Improving uncertainty measurements by developing new and improved examples Maurice Cox completed 2017
EMRP Energy ENG58 MultiFlowMet Multiphase flow metrology in oil and gas production Multiphase energy flows: Measuring combined oil, water and gas flows David Crawford completed 2013
EMPIR Normative 19NRM05 IT4PQ Measurement methods and test procedures for assessing accuracy of instrument transformers for power quality measurements Characterising Instrument transformers to develop new standards for more reliable power quality measurements Gabriella Crotti completed 2019
EMPIR Energy 14SIP06 Siloxanes Field trial of traceable online measurements of siloxanes in landfill gases Expanding Europe’s biogas industry through innovative online measurements Lucy Culleton completed 2014
EMPIR Industry 20IND10 Decarb Metrology for decarbonising the gas grid Supporting a transition to distributing alternative fuels over existing gas networks Lucy Culleton in progress 2020
EMRP SI Broader Scope SIB05 NewKILO Developing a practical means of disseminating the new kilogram Practical kilogram traceability for industry and research Stuart Davidson completed 2011
EMPIR Environment 14SIP02 EO e-Learning Uncertainty Analysis for Earth Observation e-Learning Training Course Improving the predictive models that identify trends underlying climate change Edward Davis completed 2014
EMPIR Normative 19NRM03 SI-Hg Metrology for traceable protocols for elemental and oxidised mercury concentrations Mercury releases can damage the environment but monitoring methods lack the traceability required to meet existing standards Iris De Krom completed 2019
Metrology Partnership Green Deal 21GRD06 MetCCUS Metrology Support for Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage Creating metrology frameworks for carbon capture, utilisation and storage to help Europe reach carbon neutrality. Iris De Krom in progress 2021
EMPIR Health 15HLT08 MRgRT Metrology for MR guided radiotherapy A metrological framework for traceable dosimetry under reference conditions for MR-guided radiotherapy Jacco de Pooter completed 2015
EMPIR Normative 19NRM01 MRgRT-DOS Traceable dosimetry for small fields in MR-guided radiotherapy Supporting innovations in combined imaging and radiation cancer treatment by standardising dose measurements Jacco de Pooter completed 2019
EMPIR Industry 14IND05 MIQC2 Optical metrology for quantum enhanced secure telecommunication Advancing confidence in the secure operation of QKD devices in adversarial environments Ivo Pietro Degiovanni completed 2014
EMPIR Support for Networks 19NET02 EMN-Quantum Support for a European Metrology Network on quantum technologies Accelerating implementation of a network to become the focus for metrology benefiting Europe’s nascent quantum technology industry Ivo Pietro Degiovanni in progress 2019
EMPIR Normative 20NRM01 MetTLM Metrology for temporal light modulation Supporting a complete transition to LED lighting across Europe Paul R. Dekker in progress 2020
EMRP SI Broader Scope SIB10 NOTED Novel techniques for traceable temperature dissemination Novel techniques for traceable temperature dissemination Dolores del Campo completed 2011
EMPIR Capacity Building 14RPT01 ACQ-PRO Towards the propagation of ac quantum voltage standards Supporting industry through increased access to AC quantum voltage references Javier Díaz de Aguilar completed 2014
427 result(s)