
Metrology is a cross-cutting discipline, and EURAMET and the Metrology Partnership therefore foster strong collaboration between other partnerships, programmes and initiatives to serve stakeholders and their needs.

Please find below a few selected collaboration examples:

Metrology for digital transformation

In a joint open consultation event in November 2021 stakeholders in the digital field shared their vision on digital transformation and related measurement science needs with Europe’s metrology community.
EURAMET’s European partners involved included: the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) and The Made in Europe Partnership, ADRA and the AI, Data, and Robotics Partnership, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA).
Discussions ranged from the role of data quality for industry and science, sensor networks in industry, to how to support quality and confidence in AI.
The feedback from partners and stakeholders, and outcomes of the panel discussion, helped guide the development of the 2022 call for needs related to “Metrology support for Digital Transformation” within the European Partnership on Metrology.


Metrology for clean hydrogen

Representatives of EURAMET and the Metrology Partnership have been appointed as members of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership ‘Stakeholder Group’ beginning of 2022. The 13 members of the ‘Stakeholder Group’ were selected from more than 60 applications. The group will serve as an advisory body for the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking providing input on the strategic and technological priorities to be addressed by Clean Hydrogen.

Concrete synergies include discussions on possible research topics between EURAMET’s European Metrology Network for Energy Gases and Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research.

Metrology for quantum technologies

To ensure close cooperation and foster synergies there are several links between the Metrology Partnership and the EU’s Quantum Technologies Flagship.

A representative of EURAMET’s European Metrology Network for Quantum Technologies is member of the flagship’s Strategic Research Agenda Working Group and representatives of the flagship are members of the stakeholder council of EURAMET’s network.

A Framework Partnership Agreement details the collaboration of both communities and their members’ involvement in calls and projects.