Welcome to the EURAMET Repository Link

The EURAMET Repository Link is an online service providing links to scientific papers and datasets published within the European Partnership on Metrology (Partnership), the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR), the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP), and projects funded by iMERA-Plus.

Comparison of 3 absolute gravimeters based on different methods for the e-MASS project
Merlet S., Louchet-Chauvet A., Bordat Q., Landragin A., Pereira Dos Santos F., Baumann H., D'Agostino G., Origlio C., Germak A.

2010 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) (2010)

Project title:
T1.J1.1: e-Mass: The watt balance route towards a new definition of the kilogram
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
Preliminary results of the BIPM relative gravity measurement campaign during the 8th international comparison of absolute gravimeters (2009)
Jiang Z., Tisserand L., Kessler-Schulz K. U., Schulz H. R., Palinkas V., Rothleitner C., Francis O., Jousset P., Lequin D., Merlet S., Mäkinen J., Coulomb A., Becker M.

Proceedings of TGSMM2010 (2010)

Project title:
T1.J1.1: e-Mass: The watt balance route towards a new definition of the kilogram
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
On the theory of linear absorption line shapes in gases
Bordé C.

Comptes Rendus Physique 10 (2010) , 866-882

Project title:
T1.J1.4: Boltzmann constant: Determination of the Boltzmann constant for the redefinition of the kelvin
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
Characterization of the coil displacement in the LNE and METAS watt balance experiments
Bielsa F., Eichenberger A., Gilbert O., Juncar P., Genevès G.

Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (2010)

Project title:
T1.J1.1: e-Mass: The watt balance route towards a new definition of the kilogram
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
Waveguide effects on quasispherical cavity resonators
Underwood R- J., Mehl J. B., Pitre L., Edwards G., Sutton G., de Podesta M.

Measurement Science and Technology 21 (2010) , 075103

Project title:
T1.J1.4: Boltzmann constant: Determination of the Boltzmann constant for the redefinition of the kelvin
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
Optical alignment tool for the LNE and METAS watt balance projects
Bielsa F., Eichenberger A., Gilbert O., Juncar P., Genevès G.

2010 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) (2010)

Project title:
T1.J1.1: e-Mass: The watt balance route towards a new definition of the kilogram
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
Acoustic Resonator Experiments at the Triple Point of Water: First Results for the Boltzmann Constant and Remaining Challenges
Sutton G., Underwood R., Pitre L., de Podesta M., Valkiers S.

International Journal of Thermophysics 31 (2010) , 1310-13-46

Project title:
T1.J1.4: Boltzmann constant: Determination of the Boltzmann constant for the redefinition of the kelvin
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
The e-mass euramet joint research project: the watt balance route towards a new definition of the kilogram
Genevès G., Bielsa F., Eichenberger A., Gilbert O., Juncar P., Villar F., D'Agostino G., Merlet S., Pinot P., Baumann H., Pereira Dos Santos F.

2010 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) (2010)

Project title:
T1.J1.1: e-Mass: The watt balance route towards a new definition of the kilogram
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
Shell Perturbations of an acoustic thermomether dteermined from speed of sound in gas mixtures
Gavioso R. M., Madonna Ripa D., Guianvarc'h C., Benedetto G., Guiliano Albo P. A., Cuccaro R., Pitre L., Truong D.

International Journal of Thermophysics 31 (2010) , 1739-1748

Project title:
T1.J1.4: Boltzmann constant: Determination of the Boltzmann constant for the redefinition of the kelvin
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
Modeling Steady Acoustic Fields Bounded in Cavities with Geometrical Imperfections
Guiliano Alba P. A., Gavioso R. M., Benedetto G.

International Journal of Thermophysics 31 (2010) , 1248-1258

Project title:
T1.J1.4: Boltzmann constant: Determination of the Boltzmann constant for the redefinition of the kelvin
Name of Call / Funding Programme:
iMERA-Plus: Call 2007 SI and Fundamental Metrology
5378 RESULT(S)