A new challenge for meteorological measurements: The "MeteoMet" project - Metrology for meteorology

Merlone A., Lopardo G., Antonsen I., Bell S., Benyon R, Boese N., del Campo D., Dobre M., Drnovsek J., Elkatmis A., Georgin E., Grudniewicz E., Heinonen M., Holstein-Rathlou C., Johansson J., Klason P., Knorova R., Melvad C., Merrison J., Migaa K., de Podesta M., Saathoff H., Smorgon D., Sparasci F., Strnad R., Szmyrka-Grzebyk A., Vuillermoz E.

air humidity, air pressure, air temperature, air speed and direction, historical temperature data series, meteorological instruments calibration, traceable climate measurements

Document type Proceedings
Journal title / Source AIP Conference Proceedings
Volume 8
Issue 1552
Page numbers / Article number 1030-1035
Publication date 2013
Conference name 9th International Temperature Symposium
Conference date 19-23 March 2012
Conference place Los Angeles (USA)
DOI 10.1063/1.4821419
Web URL http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.4821419

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